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Saturday 7 November 2020
Ahmed Cordie
East Africa
Loice Achieng Ombajo
Synopsis of SAHCS activity: different potential points for collaboration
Lauren Jankelowitz
North Africa
Mohamed Chakroun
South Africa
Yunus Moussa
Long-acting treatments: people’s expectations and attending physicians’preparedness. Are we ready to manage it?
Joseph Alouch
A window of Hope
Stereotactic radiosurgery for primary and metastatic HCC
Khaled Abdel Karim
Role of SBRT with Local interventions in HCC
Mohamed Gharib
Post Pandemic Priorities and Preparedness of Scientific Research in Egypt
Sameh H.Soror
Gina El Fekry
Maissa El Raziky
Amgad El Zahaby
Hala Ismail
Mohamed El Nadry
Interactive Sessions
Surgical versus medical therapy for refractory GERD.
Celiac disease: updates in management (diagnosis nutritional plan, potential
Drug induced Liver Injury (DILI)
Constipation: New modalities for management and treatment
Infections in elderly (Common presentations)
Autoimmune hepatitis in pregnancy
Obsecure GI bleeding
Abdel Moniem El Tayeb
CRC screening new insights
Hesham Elmakhzangy
Positioning of different anti HBV drugs.
Hassan Hamdy
Interaction between lipid profile in chronic HCV patients and theirresponse to DAAs
Mahmoud Anis